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Metal Prints

Find a Metal Print that fits your style and needs! We offer Flat Metal, Stacked Metal, Artistic Edge Metal, and Desktop Metal. Creating the metal prints is not done with simply printing images onto metal but rather using a pressurized heating process to infuse a polymer coating onto the metal. If the product is placed out of direct sunlight, the vibrant images printed on metal will last for many generations.

Flat Metal Print

Show case your favorite photograph on one of our flat metal prints! All you need to provide is a high resolution digital scan or photograph. We can print your photo is many sizes and are ready to hang on your wall!

Stacked Metal Print

Our Stacked Metal Photos on metal are a unique addition to our photos. You have the ability to add two metal prints to your order; 1 as your background image, and 1 as your focal image, which will stand out 1/2" from the background piece. If you are having trouble selecting a background image, we provide many high quality options such as marble, gold, parchment, and more!

Artistic Edge Metal Print

Ross Imaging Center is ready to help you transform your photos – old or new, personal or public – into a variety of creative shapes! Our Artistic Edge Metal prints take your photos to the next level by making your precious memories stand out. Through the process of metal photo printing, we offer a wide variety of customizable shapes that make your stand out over a standard rectangular print.

Desktop Metal Print

Our desktop photos on metal are a great way to display your smaller photos and point of purchase displays on metal in other areas of your home and office besides your walls. We offer desktop products up to 8x12 in a variety of base settings. These beautiful metal prints are perfect as gifts but are also suited for marketing and promotion.

