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Old Letter Scanning

I'm sure at one time or another some of the photographs in your collection were once sent to family member or friends in the mail or maybe even just a letter was sent, but the letters still sit in the box together or in an envelope just as they were sent years ago. We can digitize the letters too! If the information in the letters are very meaningful to your family we wouldnt want you to have to leave that history behind! Our lab specialists handle these sometimes fragile letters carefully to ensure no ripping or tears are created on your familys delicate history. 

If these letter are torn and falling apart and you would like to restore them to what they looked like the same day they were written you can talk to our specialists about a letter restoration! No matter the damage we can recreate it with your help! 

Although some of the papers arent the same as they use to be we can even reprint the letter to make copies of in the future as well! (Ask about our print to print service!)



Have a one on one sit down consultation with one of our professional archiving specialist to tackle any scanning project. Fill out the form below and a technician will contact you to confirm your appointment. Please make sure to give at least 24 hours before an appointment.


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